Post 2: Why did I choose my major?

A complicated question, it was a very hard decision, because I went through several options before. When I was a little boy, I liked to cook very much, specifically cakes hahaha. When I was ten years old, I liked to play with my sisters and make mud cakes in the garden, what made me think about being a chef, later that idea disappeared and the idea of being a lawyer arrived, but that too changed, since I don't like to read much, in this lapse of time I changed the career many times I wanted to study, for example I wanted to be a teacher, a Engineer, Among other. When I was in my last year of study, I decided to study chemistry and pharmacy, because a teacher I told me about a family member who studied that, and the field of work it caught my attention to . So, when applying time I was clear what I was going to study. Today I am very happy with my decision, I really liked the career, I feel comfortable in university, there are very passionate teachers, with a vocation, ...